F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter









Next meeting: June 3rd, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


IMPORTANT: I understand Greg Taylor has offered to bring the garden tractor sled down to the fun pull IF THERE IS ENOUGH INTEREST, if you’d like to fun pull the gardens get in touch with Greg at 937-725-0747 ASAP

I want to thank the people who informed us of pulling class corrections, after reviewing last years pulling signup sheets, the Nebraska Test Book and an old copy of the rules for 55’ and older tractors we think we have it correct now. Changes to last month’s update include:

·        Super H Farmall/Oliver 660/Massey 33 in 2 Plow New Light 5000

·        Massey 44 in 3 Plow New Light 6000

·        Massey 55/Farmall 400-450-460/Cockshutt 560 in 4 Plow New 9000

·        Farmall 100-130-140-200-230-240 in 1 Plow New Light 3500

 If you want a new copy let me know, we never expected a major issue with the pulling rules and we don’t understand how these tractors got changed around, but we feel we finally have things figured out. Also don’t forget to check out the show dates below, I’m working on getting ahead some so people can prepare for them


6/2 Fun Pull at Oeder’s Lake, Rain Date 6/9

6/9 Corwin Show, 9-Whenever

6/16 Tractor Ride, meet at Administration Building on Justice Drive in Lebanon, signup opens at 8, hope to depart 9-9:30

7/12-15 Miami Valley Threshers AC Show

7/14 Youngs Dairy Farm, Yellow Springs, 9-5

7/16 Lucas Oil Pull Wilmington, OH

Any questions contact one of our directors.

Gene Bustle at 513-899-3008 or Margeneb@embarqmail.com

Russ Rolke at 513-248-2501 or RCR@FUSE.NET

Mike Lumley at 513-515-8613 or ihpapaw@yahoo.com

Until next month!

Roger Walker, 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com